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Application of Organic fertilizer and Its Main Characteristics and Features

Our country has a long history of applying organic fertilizers. A large number of studies and practices believe that organic fertilizers have the following characteristics and functions:


(1) Comprehensive nutrients and long-lasting fertilizer effects. Organic fertilizer contains not only the macronutrient elements and trace elements necessary for plants, but also rich organic nutrients, such as humic acid, vitamins, auxins, antibiotics and small molecular compounds of organic nitrogen and phosphorus etc. We can say, organic fertilizer is the most comprehensive fertilizer. In addition, the amount of organic fertilizers is allowed to vary widely and generally does not harm crop growth. The application of organic fertilizer not only increases the production of crops in the current season, but generally its effect is still visible after the year. In one word, the fertilizer effect is slow and lasting.


(2). Improve soil physical and chemical properties and soil fertility. Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, and the general content is about 200g/kg. Organic matter is an important material basis for soil fertility. The main soil organic matter is humus, which accounts for 50%-65% of the total soil organic matter. Humus is a complex organic colloid, which can adjust and buffer the pH of the soil; increase the amount of soil cation substitution and improve the fertility retention performance of the soil; increase the soil organic matter content, which is conducive to the formation of a good soil structure, especially water-stable aggregates. The increase in structure can improve soil tightness, aeration, water retention and thermal conditions, and has a good effect on the water, fertilizer, gas and thermal conditions that determine soil fertility. It is beneficial to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil and improve soil fertility.


(3) Promote soil microbial activity. Soil microbes play an important role in the conversion of organic matter and are one of the important indicators to measure the level of soil fertility. For example, the mineralization process of organic matter in the soil, the effective process of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, and the biological nitrogen fixation process of legumes are all related to the action of soil microorganisms. Therefore, the application of organic fertilizers on the one hand increases the number and population of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, and on the other hand provides good environmental conditions for soil microbial activities and significantly enhances soil microbial activities.


(4). Maintain and promote the balance of soil nutrients. The various nutrients that plants take from the soil can be returned to the soil in the form of plant residues through the application of organic fertilizers. The degree of return mainly depends on whether the various organic fertilizer sources are fully accumulated, rationally accumulated and applied, and the rate of return of the residues to the field. Only by grasping this balance link in agricultural production can spirally rise the soil fertility under the conditions of the combined application of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, applying organic fertilizer is an important measure for soil fertility.


(5) Reduce the cost of fertilizer input. Organic fertilizer can be sourced and applied locally, with a wide source and low cost. By increasing organic fertilizer, it can not only improve soil fertility, increase soil nutrients, but also increase fertilizer utilization and reduce application amount of fertilizer accordingly, and by this way, the agricultural input costs are reduced largely. The characteristics and functions of the above organic fertilizer determine its irreplaceable important role in modern sustainable agriculture.



Contact: DFM Fertilizer Machine

Phone: +86-13663722676


Add: No. 37 Yuxiang Road, High Tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan, China

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